Troubles?, New stuff & Outta here ...

Trouble Accessing

Several of our foreign collectors (on both sides of the planet, unfortunately!) have written to say they can access our email address and our blog but not There aren't any complaints stateside, but if you are having trouble accessing the site, please follow these instructions:

Click this link: What is my IP address?
Once you've determined your IP address, describe your "symptoms" and email your IP info to any of these addresses:
We're working with our web hosting provider to determine the location of the breakdown so we'd appreciate any input from those of you who are experiencing trouble with the site. Thanks!
02.04.09: Our hosting company (true wizards and stars, they are!) have resolved the issues in Japan and the UK. If you are still having problems .. please follow the above instructions so we can you back online to view! Thanks!

Index page photos ...

We've added new vintage photos to the slideshow that appears in the header of our index page. We have about half a dozen of these slide shows that we'll plug in from time to time just to keep things interesting. It may slow down the loading of the page the first time you view it .. but all should proceed normally after that first viewing. If this gives any of you a problem .. please advise! Thanks!

We're away ...

Dave and I are going to be away from the office 2/2 - 2/4. We'll respond to your emails and orders when we return. Thanks!


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