New Zuni fetishes coming soon
Greetings from East Texas! The leaves are turning and turning loose but Dave and I continue to update regularly with beautiful new Zuni fetishes from our talented friends in Zuni Pueblo.
We're currently working on a listing of sixteen new and exciting carvings. Included in this show are pieces by:
Emery Boone, Leland Boone, Karen Zunie, Lance Cheama, Fabian Tsethlikai, Emery Eriacho, David Chavez, Randy Lucio, Curtis Garcia, Peter Natachu, Elton Kaamasee, Lena Boone and Burt Awelagte.
We expect to have this showing ready for you within the next few days, so please stay tuned. If you aren't getting these updates in your email inbox .. please subscribe using the subscription box to the right. You MUST, however, reply to your confirmation email in order to complete the process. You may unsubscribe at any time.
Here is what remains from our most recent postings!
Click images to view details & more photos!
And our recent previous postings
Please remember that we accept online payments via or your check or money order is always welcome! If you have any questions, please email Dave or Darlene at any of the following email addresses:
darlene at zunispirits dot com
david at zunispirits dot com
zunispirits at yahoo dot com
(these are spelled out to avoid piracy, please
type in usual email format.)
Thanks everybody! Have a great weekend.
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