Happy Halloween!

Our final posting of new Zuni fetishes for October will be published Monday evening at 7 PM, CDST. Here are some teaser photos -- and we hope you'll tune in tonight. Thanks so much! :)

NEW Zuni fetishes posted 10/27 @ Zunispirits.comNEW Zuni fetishes posted 10/27 @ Zunispirits.comNEW Zuni fetishes posted 10/27 @ Zunispirits.comNEW Zuni fetishes posted 10/27 @ Zunispirits.comNEW Zuni fetishes posted 10/27 @ Zunispirits.comNEW Zuni fetishes posted 10/27 @ Zunispirits.comNEW Zuni fetishes posted 10/27 @ Zunispirits.comNEW Zuni fetishes posted 10/27 @ Zunispirits.comNEW Zuni fetishes posted 10/27 @ Zunispirits.comNEW Zuni fetishes posted 10/27 @ Zunispirits.comNEW Zuni fetishes posted 10/27 @ Zunispirits.comNEW Zuni fetishes posted 10/27 @ Zunispirits.comNEW Zuni fetishes posted 10/27 @ Zunispirits.comNEW Zuni fetishes posted 10/27 @ Zunispirits.comNEW Zuni fetishes posted 10/27 @ Zunispirits.comNEW Zuni fetishes posted 10/27 @ Zunispirits.comNEW Zuni fetishes posted 10/27 @ Zunispirits.comNEW Zuni fetishes posted 10/27 @ Zunispirits.comNEW Zuni fetishes posted 10/27 @ Zunispirits.comNEW Zuni fetishes posted 10/27 @ Zunispirits.comNEW Zuni fetishes posted 10/27 @ Zunispirits.comNEW Zuni fetishes posted 10/27 @ Zunispirits.comNEW Zuni fetishes posted 10/27 @ Zunispirits.comNEW Zuni fetishes posted 10/27 @ Zunispirits.comNEW Zuni fetishes posted 10/27 @ Zunispirits.comNEW Zuni fetishes posted 10/27 @ Zunispirits.comNEW Zuni fetishes posted 10/27 @ Zunispirits.comNEW Zuni fetishes posted 10/27 @ Zunispirits.comNEW Zuni fetishes posted 10/27 @ Zunispirits.comNEW Zuni fetishes posted 10/27 @ Zunispirits.com

NEW Zuni fetishes coming 10.27.08

Our final posting of new Zuni fetishes for October will be published Monday (10/27) at 7 PM in the evening, CDST. There are a number of Emery bears in a variety of stones - some that we've never seen before (Florentine marble?), a tiny (TINY!!!) turquoise Dan Quam rabbit in Mojave turquoise, a neat Wilfred Cheama varascite bobcat, some cute "doubles" by Lavies & Daisy Natewa, carvings by Delvin Leekya, Rodney Laiwakete, Priscilla Lasiloo, Curtis Garcia, Andres Quandelacy, Gordon Poncho, Lena and Leland Boone, among others. Some neat stones and the prices are very reasonable, so we hope you'll tune in.

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ZUNI SPIRITS: A Portfolio Of Fine Zuni Fetish Carvings
The books have arrived and are now available for shipping. Our book will make a beautiful Christmas gift for the Zuni fetish collector in your family. ZUNI SPIRITS: A Portfolio Of Fine Zuni Fetish Carvings is a black linen hardcover edition with a glossy dustjacket, 8" x 10" in size, and 160 pages of over 300 full color photos. It is a beautiful compilation of the boundless talent that resides in Zuni Pueblo! Order your copy today! Or click HERE to see a preview of the first 15 pages of the book.


ZUNI SPIRITS: A Portfolio Of Fine Zuni Fetish Carvings:
We're very excited to announce the publication of our book and just in time for Christmas gift-giving! Dave's photographs (over 300 of them!) beautifully showcase a variety of outstanding Zuni fetishes from a multitude of carvers in glorious color. We have long wished for a book that displayed the artistic beauty of Zuni fetishes and, after some prompting, I finally convinced David that it was a project that we should take on. With an introduction by Governor Norman Cooeyate, our book is 160 pages, hardcover with a dustjacket and will be available to ship no later than November 15th and we're taking orders now. Available exclusively via Zunispirits.com. You can learn more about it at this link! If you have any questions, please email us!
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Our next posting of NEW ZUNI FETISHES:
We're currently working on our next posting of twenty-something new fetishes from Zuni-land. There's a nice variety of beautiful carvings and fabulous stones in this showing so we hope you'll stay tuned. We'll announce specifics here soon. Thanks for your interest!

10.10.08 New Zuni Fetishes @ Zunispirits.com

There are 21 new and beautiful Zuni fetishes for your perusal at this link . And here are some tiny thumbnails to tease you with:
The sale section continues and we've not only reduced the prices to accommodate the economic meltdown we're all feeling, we've also added a couple of new guys to the mix. Check it out here.
* * * * * The Zuni Salt Lake
I talked with Governor Norman Cooeyate yesterday and he shared with me that there is yet another battle to save the Zuni Salt Lake. You may remember (or can read about it here), that some years ago a coal mine was threatening the very existance of the "Salt Woman" - one of Zuni's most sacred deities. Zuni won that battle but yet another looms. The primary concern expressed by the Governor is that this entity "has deeper pockets that the last one did". Governor Norman asked me to inform you all and as soon as he provides me with more information I will post it here with any instructions on how we might help out.
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We sincerely thank those of you who participated in our request for Zuni fetishes to send to the little girls of Nepal whose educations are being supported by the Madhav Ghimire Foundation. We have received 95 of our 110 promised donations. If you made a pledge and still wish to donate we ask you to PLEASE get your donations to us NO LATER THAN 10/31. Please send to ZUNI SPIRITS - The Journey Of The Bears, P. O. Box 337, Grapeland, TX 75844
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... for those of us who make our living via the internet. A recent survey found that 81% of consumers don't trust small online businesses. Of course we're all having trouble trusting just about anyone, any institution or any political candidate these days .. but it got me to thinking. Dave and I have always tried to make Zuni Spirits a comfortable collecting experience and since we're still here (and so many others are not) we have to believe we are doing something right. At any rate, we invite you to participate in the poll on the upper right (for those of you who are receiving this via email .. you'll have to go to the REAL blog and answer the poll there.
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For those of you who are passionate about collecting Zuni fetishes, keeping meticulous records is not just an option, it's a real necessity. Knowing when and from whom you purchased your fetish, the carver and the price you paid will serve you well. Once you have more than a dozen (and hey, that didn't take long, did it?), you will eventually forget the very details we're discussing. It's easy enough to do and done on a regular basis (when you receive a new addition) it's not all that big a chore.
Whether you set up a database on your computer (and remember to back this up to another source from time to time!) or just make entries by hand in a notebook, keeping up with these details might not seem like a big thing now -- but when we're all old and gray and those Emery bears we all have in every color are worth a FORTUNE - it will be nice to have that provenance!
Seriously, take a moment to think about your collection, what you have invested and take some time to document your acquisitions!
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Dave and I enjoyed a couple of days away this past weekend to a place I'd never been before. Caddo lake is the only natural lake in the State (and we share it with Louisiana because well, we're just that way ... ha!) and it's spectacularly, beautifully wild. We saw lots of herons and wood duck, otters, a beaver den and the commotion made by baby alligators (they hatched last month) but not the gators themselves.
The Eagles' Don Henley grew up in the area and underwrites the Caddo Lake Institute for its continued preservation. Here is another website that has some nice Caddo photos on it.
And here are a few photos that Dave took.
Thanks and see 'ya next time!